Feb 25, 2010

Additional Proof, and Additional Proof

Also, four poems from Poetry! Poetry! Poetry! will be in The Best American Poetry 2010, thanks to the guest editor Amy Gerstler. This is a very cool thing. Amy Gerstler is very cool. The book is coming. The book is going to be beautiful. Have I mentioned to what degree I should thank Shanna Compton? I don't believe I have. I could thank Shanna Compton all day long. Had we but world enough and time. Shanna Compton is a tiny, vibrant poetry saint. She is what we poet people should all hope to equal. I'm really grateful to her. I feel lucky, which feels lucky.

Feb 22, 2010


I have ideas. They happen,
then end.
It's an over and over situation.
You get the picture
but you hate it. Like me.

Feb 13, 2010


A proof copy of Poetry! Poetry! Poetry! is in the mail. I have been told that it looks terrific. I believe it and am excited to see it. See how excited I am? You can tell because I'm adding all of these exclamation points!!!!!!! This is way more exciting than the Colts losing the Super Bowl.

Feb 9, 2010

Feb 8, 2010


Proof copy of Poetry! Poetry! Poetry! should hopefully be here by end of the week!